
The unsung hero behind Mobile Eye Treatment Centre(METC)

"It's my first time to travel to Africa. I am very excited. I hope our mission could be completed safely and successfully."
Wang Qiang , an engineer of the METC, joined GX team to Africa to assist in the preparation of the project in Djibouti. In the past few years, the dedicated efforts of the METC producer has enabled GX’s METC to perform cataract surgery in Southeast Asia and Africa. "I am mainly responsible for designing the power supply system as well as setting up the electrical wiring in the car while the colleagues from other departments are responsible for the car design, sourcing of materials and assembly of the entire car. It takes around 4 months for a team of about 15 people to complete the assembly of one METC.
Have been working on the METC for 10 years, Wang Qiang is no stranger to business trips, but this is his first time working in Africa. "I haven’t encountered any difficulties working here. Apart from testing the electricity and assisting in the installation of equipment, I also demonstrate the use of equipment and generator for the medical team to ensure that the surgery can be carried out under safe conditions." Wang is pleased to answer any questions from our colleagues as well as introduce the equipment of the METC.
On the ground, Wang was very helpful. He offered a lot of help in our preparation work such as setting up the tables and chairs for registration under the high temperature. Wang always has an amiable signature smile on his face, radiating positive energy all around him.
On the day of the operation, Wang witnessed for the first patient who completed the operation getting off the METC, and was very moved. "It's really an honuor, and I am very grateful to GX for providing me a chance to be part of the project."
After spending only one week with Wang, everyone appreciates Wang's easy-going personality. Despite being very reluctant to let him leave, we wish him a safe and pleasant journey home.