
Narrative review on health-EDRM primary prevention measures for vector-borne diseases

Climate change is expanding the global at-risk population for vector-borne diseases (VBDs). The World Health Organization (WHO) health emergency and disaster risk management (health-EDRM) framework emphasises the importance of primary prevention of biological hazards and its value in protecting against VBDs, encouraging stakeholder coordination and information sharing. This review identified 10 primary preventions and their strengths and weaknesses. It was found that current studies on primary prevention measures for VBDs focus on health risk-reduction, with minimal evaluation of actual disease reduction. Although prevention against mosquito-borne diseases, notably malaria, has been well-studied, research on other vectors and VBDs remains limited. Other gaps included the limited evidence pertaining to prevention in resource-poor settings and the efficacy of alternatives, discrepancies amongst agencies’ recommendations, and limited studies on the impact of technological advancements and habitat change on VBD prevalence. There is a continued need for high-priority research into primary prevention of VBDs, to facilitate multifaceted, multi-sectoral, coordinated responses that will enable effective risk mitigation.

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